Wednesday, June 4, 2008

My Wiki!

Hello, everybody!

Gr8 news:

I have a Wiki!

Please visit it, okay?

C'mon PLEASE visit it!


Simone :D

P.S. I'm studying most the time....

but still ADD COMMENTS!

1 comment:

Alex said...


While looking for blogs on new technologies and gadgets I came across your website and found it very interesting.
I’m emailing on behalf of Com-one, a producer of Wi-Fi and blue tooth equipment, and the Phoenix Wifi radio.

We would like to know if you would be interested in receiving a free Phoenix Wifi radio (worth $199) and write about it in your blog.
We are trying to get feedback from users and especially Bloggers about the product, it's usability, concept, design and so on.

We would send you the radio the 20th of August, and we would provide you with a UPS tracker #, so that you know the exact arrival.
Again, there is no cost for you, we just would like you to post your comments on your website,about our product, as well as a link to the store page.
( )

We hope you will be interested in participating. In case you are not, rest assured that we would not contact you anymore.

Please do visit our websites anytime for more information:

Feel free to ask us any questions you might have.

Looking forward to hearing from you,